Copy of Blue and Black Voter Education Postcards.png

OCTOBER 20, 2020
written by Abdul-Basit Haqq

Election Day is two weeks away and nearly two million people have already voted in New Jersey. Are you one of them? If not, what is your plan to vote by November 3rd?  The Star Ledger Editorial Board recommends voting as soon as possible and placing your ballot in a Secure Ballot Drop Box.

All registered voters should have received their ballots in the mail. If you have not yet received your ballot, you have until October 23rd to contact your County Clerk and request a ballot be mailed to you; otherwise you will have to pick up your ballot in person.

Once you have your ballot, take care when opening and completing it:

  1. Fill in each bubble completely. Remember there are choices to be on the front and the back and some counties have a second page.

  2. Place the completed ballot in the inner envelope and complete, but do not detach the perforated certification from the smaller envelope. Seal the envelope properly. 

  3. Place the smaller envelope into the larger envelope and seal the envelope properly. Add your return address to the larger envelope. 

  4. If you make a mistake, contact your County Clerk immediately and prior to submitting the ballot.

Watch the above YouTube Video: “New Jersey's own Danny DeVito explains
how to properly fill out our paper ballots to make sure our votes count!”

Once you have completed your ballot, you have several way to return it:

  • Place the ballot in a Secure Ballot Drop Box by 8pm on November 3rd. Find a Secure Ballot Drop Box near you.

  • Hand deliver the ballot to your County’s Board of Elections before November 3rd.

  • Hand deliver the ballot to poll workers at your designated polling location on November 3rd.

  • Mail the ballot. The postage is already paid. The ballot must be postmarked by November 3rd and received by your County’s Board of Elections by November 10th.

Additionally, you can vote in person using a provisional paper ballot on November 3rd at your designated polling location.




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